Eagles in Love: Get to Know Three More AU Sweetheart Couples
John Antokas, Kogod/BSBA ’12, and Elina Shirazi, SOC/BA ’16
1. How did you both meet?
John: Elina and I met at a mutual friend's birthday party in New York City. I was living in New York City and Elina in Miami. We were never in school at the same time, as I graduated in 2012, and Elina graduated in 2016. But, we both knew about each other, and followed each other on social media, occasionally exchanging messages. Elina was like the pinup poster in my high school locker. I always saw her from afar but had never been in reach. Elina even knew my little brother from college and met my parents several times before she ever met me!
Elina: John and I met at our mutual friend’s birthday party in New York. It was a somewhat anticipated meeting, since we had known about each other for about 10 years, but never actually met in person. I even went to his parents house and looked at baby photos his parents showed me years before! We sat on opposite ends of the birthday table, and I think we both tried stealing glances at each other until John finally spoke to me once dinner was over. He was so complimentary to me, and I did not expect that from him!
2. Who made the first move, and how did it go?
John: I made the first move . . . while we were sitting at dinner, legend has it that I could not keep my eyes off of her. I had to shoot my shot and get to know her.
Elina: John made the first move. It seemed like he knew a little about me, and was asking a lot of questions about my life, work, etc. It felt like he definitely did not want the conversation to end, and we did end up speaking the whole night. I liked how engaging he was with me, and have to say I thought he was pretty charming. That led to our real first date in Miami Valentines week, where he started to solidify as my lifetime AU sweetheart.
3. Describe your love story in one word.
John: Fate.
Elina: Destiny
4. What is your favorite AU memory?
John: Looking back on it, my favorite AU memory was graduation because it gave me the ability to flex my degree and everything I worked so hard for!
Elina: I have a lot of memories so this is really tough. My favorite memory at AU is more like the feeling I had attending university there. You were treated like an adult, had the right resources and tools to get you to where you needed to go, and were able to have relationships with professors that took the time to speak with you, and help you really chart the course for your professional career. In my down time, I got to spend time with my friends, drive to Georgetown, and make memories not only at the university, but also exploring the nation's capital.
5. One perk of sharing an alma mater is . . .
John: One perk of sharing an alma mater is the connection it creates, even across different times. As an AU alumni board member, I get to bring my wife to events where she is also a part of it, ask her for her opinions, and share memories—despite not being at AU at the same time. It’s a special bond that keeps the AU spirit alive in our lives!
Elina: We have really started to ramp up our involvement with American since we moved back to Washington together for work. John has been really active with the AU alumni board, and that has also helped bring me back to reconnect with AU and get involved with SOC. Besides giving back, it is always a nice reminder that our relationship was made possible because of American University, and the people we met while at college.
6. What would you say is the most romantic spot on campus?
John: I would say the Quad, it was just the best vantage point of the school. I always liked the flowers.
Elina: Probably anywhere in the Quad during cherry blossom season. You can really admire how pretty campus really is during the spring. Or the library. I know this is a place to study, but it is also where you can run into your crush “unintentionally!”
Shani Schiano, SPA/BA ’17, and Ted Schiano, Kogod/BS ’17, MS ’18
1. How did you both meet?
Shani: We met in Professor Kohn’s Global Corporate Citizenship course. I was a sophomore at the time. Ted and I sat next to each other and slowly became friends over the course of the semester.
Ted: A mutual friend (my big in my fraternity) introduced us after realizing we were in the same class. I was a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed freshman, and Shani was a cool, way out of my league, sophomore. I think it took all semester for me to work up the courage to talk to her.
2. Who made the first move, and how did it go?
Shani: Ted invited me to a party at his house, and I guess it went pretty well because here we are!
Ted: I asked Shani on our first date while at a party together—a hike to Great Falls. We talked all night instead of going out with friends.
3. Describe your love story in one word.
Shani: Adventure
Ted: Boundless
4. What is your favorite AU memory?
Shani: It’s hard to pick just one memory! That said, in the winter of 2016, there was a huge snowstorm in DC, and classes were cancelled. Ted and I were stuck in his house at the time with several other friends. We spent a few days sledding, watching movies, laughing, and all hanging out together. It was a blast!
Ted: It is not just one memory, but I look back fondly on those spring afternoons out in the Quad between classes, laying on the grass with Shani and other friends, finishing up some last-minute homework, laughing, and sharing plans for that upcoming weekend. Those small moments of pure bliss—what I would do to go back.
5. One perk of sharing an alma mater is . . .
Shani: The best part is our shared understanding of that chapter of our lives. We met at such a young age and have seen each other grow through many life stages, including our college years.
Ted: Getting to root for the same football team! . . . oh wait . . . In all seriousness, it is so meaningful that we were able to share such influential years of our life together. We have both changed so much since first meeting at AU and I love looking back at the last 10+ years together and seeing how we have both grown up together.
6. What would you say is the most romantic spot on campus?
Shani: The AU Quad on a beautiful spring day!
Ted: Wherever the famous AU flowers are in full bloom.
Nathan Teastone Lev, SIS/BA ’20, and Maia Teastone Lev, SIS/BA ’20
1. How did you both meet?
Nathan: We both had our SIS first year seminar together with Professor Bates in From Bean to Brew! I learned much later on that Maia thought that I was pretentious that first semester, and though I certainly don’t think so, she was probably right on the money.
Maia: We met in Professor Bates’s From Bean to Brew freshman seminar in our spring semester! But we didn’t become friends until the following year until we had microeconomics together and sat together. Nathan helped me study for the final, and he’s probably the main reason why I passed that class!
2. Who made the first move, and how did it go?
Nathan: I made the first move after a couple of months of pushing from Maia’s sorority little. I had gotten out of a relationship a couple months earlier, and Maia’s little knew that Maia was looking for a relationship, so she cornered me at a party and gave me a lecture about why Maia was perfect for me. I thought she made good points, and eventually asked Maia if she wanted to go get drinks to reconnect after we hadn’t seen each other through our Junior year due to our time studying abroad. I was so anxious Maia would say no, but luckily it worked out and we had a great date!
Maia: At the beginning of Spring Semester, Senior year, I got a Facebook message out of the blue asking if I wanted to go out sometime. Little did I know that my sorority little had told him to ask me out. We went to Chef Geoff’s for a Half-Price Wine Wednesday and split a bottle of Cava. We realized we had a lot in common and the rest is history!
3. Describe your love story in one word.
Nathan: Wonderful!
Maia: Serendipity!
4. What is your favorite AU memory?
Nathan: Seeing my all of friends for the first time after studying abroad in Jordan!
Maia: Study Abroad at the AU Madrid Center!
5. One perk of sharing an alma mater is . . .
Nathan: Our social circle overlaps so we know everyone in all of our stories.
Maia: Not having to explain what it was like when reminiscing about college.
6. What would you say is the most romantic spot on campus?
Nathan: I’m pretty partial to The Dav. I actually don’t drink coffee unless absolutely necessary, but I have really fond memories of From Bean to Brew, and since Maia loves her coffee, it’s become reinforced for me. We even still have all of the mugs from the mug club for every semester that we were on campus!
Maia: The Quad because you can have a picnic, and picnics are romantic!
Responses have been edited for clarity and style.