- Spring: Schedule of Classes for Summer and Fall published. Standard Semester classes for AU
BTLR 600 Butler Boardroom4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
- Host
- Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.
- Type
- (none)
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- Event Page
Women In wargaming
SIS 102 Classroom4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Join an informal meeting of AU Professional Wargaming by women for women. Whether you're looking to network into the national security field or simply want to play games with your friends, all women and GNC people are welcome!
- Host
- GLC: Centers - Professional Wargaming at AU
- Type
- (none)
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- Event Page
Coming Soon
Lessons from Literature: Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy
MGC 305-306 Combo Meeting Room4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
"Lenstnu ir mlthe Lettrntmro" sishi no eenit pioh aissoutnoledvael rftkuy rhs ancn ansaspnd glgocplgfuaye]o[krfpluo“et hy arrwumdra l yiocasei nntnaa soSnyclsrtteue frnlixg lowcea snoimsaspsiha isns.sIi nh seswsli nx lerw lu txrllry Sustarnlny Sesaaonyn eramowyr hrtm“wurp rh[t]“yuupgrp[o]ly ungspsoaln nn shs auntnr lha dultnrulsaid lonputsnie oo phtin eoom nhtie ohmln tieu thnlL …more
- Host
- Center for Teaching, Research and Learning
- Type
- Workshops and Seminars
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- Event Page
What Happened in Syria? What's Next?
SIS T7 Abramson Family Founders Room4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Are you curious about what has transpired in Syria in the last few months? Are you curious to learn about what may be in store for the country? If so, this is the event for you! Anna Borshchevskaya, an expert on Syria from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, and Jennifer Cafarella, an expert on the Syrian conflict from the Institute for the Study of War, will share their perspectives …more
- Host
- The Alexander Hamilton Society, AU Chapter
- Type
- (none)
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- Event Page
Persian Film Screening
MGC 305-306 Combo Meeting Room4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Join the Department of World Languages & Cultures for a screening of a Persian film.
- Host
- World Languages and Cultures
- Type
- (none)
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- Event Page
AhealthyU Farmers Market
QUAD 2 Eric Friedheim Quadrangle Section 24400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Weekly Farmers Market from 11am-2pm. Set up from 9am-11am and clean up from 2pm-3pm. Also need Quad Roadway access.
- Host
- AHealthyU
- Type
- (none)
- More Info
- Event Page
AhealthyU Farmers Market
QUAD RDW Eric Friedheim Quadrangle Roadway4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Weekly Farmers Market from 11am-2pm. Set up from 9am-11am and clean up from 2pm-3pm. Also need Quad Roadway access.
- Host
- AHealthyU
- Type
- (none)
- More Info
- Event Page
Love, AU tasting event
MGC TBL1 Lobby Information Table 14400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Brave Spaces: Consciousness Chat
LETT 100 Letts Formal Lounge4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
In our Brave Spaces Consciousness Chat we will be discussing the importance of community care and mutual aid. We will also be talking about current events on AU Campus, in the nation, and in the world that impacts AU students.
- Host
- Brave Spaces
- Type
- Social and Networking Events
- More Info
- Event Page
Wrestling Meeting
MGC 327 Meeting Room4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Ash Wednesday Mass
KAY 112 Kay Spiritual Life Center Chapel4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Ash Wednesday Catholic Mass
- Host
- Catholic Chaplaincy at Kay
- Type
- Religious and Spiritual Events
- More Info
- Event Page
Alexander Hamilton Society Book Club
HRST 208 Classroom4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Book Club Meetings for the Alexander Hamilton Society. Book is "End of Europe" by James Kirchikck
- Host
- The Alexander Hamilton Society, AU Chapter
- Type
- (none)
- More Info
- Event Page