You are here: American University University Calendar

After March 23, 2025

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    Department of Economics
    Workshops and Seminars
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  2. Weekly Farmers Market from 11am-2pm. Set up from 9am-11am and clean up from 2pm-3pm. Also need Quad Roadway access.

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  3. Weekly Farmers Market from 11am-2pm. Set up from 9am-11am and clean up from 2pm-3pm. Also need Quad Roadway access.

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  4. Popcorn Bar

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    Chartwells (AU Dining & Catering)
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  5. SIS UGC General Club Meeting

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    SG: SIS Undergraduate Council
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  6. Learn how the narrative communication of scenarios impact their perception through tabletop roleplay games.

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  7. Titeen loycraparc anu lhc ,alcmsn ,atee oTpeldrstruc iyngo‘ su tarwlnp onemtd jscat hnseanyt oeai nac rrem ,taddea pest lau rsshn ts rafeein i aremi gni sc tuua iayo tustartlop oaette eetfu tsoa is oltouotten ctnerolptl rrtnui iynilajus iseiagd lmbrr t oi efao tt.nTsere daa isipsatdna ,ombr eao calodtbn eent eais utgeeotpol rhttui ounli’ccrlsudae Tr peray saceay hu tnr lcpaoaecto iektd …more

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  8. Trivia Night is here again with SIS UGC! Come and celebrate the wonders of the world by teaming up with your best friends and answering tricky questions, or just raiding the snack bin!

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    SG: SIS Undergraduate Council
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  9. PhD Students will present their research on topics of all ranges!

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  10. The Brave Spaces Freedom Dreaming Workshop is an event that discusses the concept of Freedom Dreaming and its importance to marginalized communities. During the event we will creatively write, create vision boards, collages, poetry, spoken word that represents the world we dream to live in. We will also introduce ways we can take action to create the world we want to see through the Brave Spaces …more

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    Brave Spaces
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