AU Gamers Weekly Meet
MGC 307 Meeting Room4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Weekly meeting for AU Gamers. Take a break from classes and enjoy a wide selection of board, card, and video games. Come as a group or come by yourself!
- Host
- AU Gamers
- Type
- (none)
- More Info
- Event Page
AU Gamers Weekly Meet
MGC 305-306 Combo Meeting Room4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Weekly meeting for AU Gamers. Take a break from classes and enjoy a wide selection of board, card, and video games. Come as a group or come by yourself!
- Host
- AU Gamers
- Type
- (none)
- More Info
- Event Page
AU Gamers Weekly Meet
MGC 327 Meeting Room4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Weekly meeting for AU Gamers. Take a break from classes and enjoy a wide selection of board, card, and video games. Come as a group or come by yourself!
- Host
- AU Gamers
- Type
- (none)
- More Info
- Event Page