SPA’s Center for Environmental Policy Announces 2025 William K. Reilly Leadership Award Winners

The Center for Environmental Policy at the School of Public Affairs at American University announced the two winners of the William K. Reilly Environmental Leadership Awards for 2025. The awards, given annually to two individuals who have contributed in significant ways to U.S. and global environmental problem-solving, reflect the values that have guided former US EPA Commissioner William K. Reilly’s career. The two Reilly Awardees for 2025 are Gretchen Goldman and Adrienne Hollis.
“The Center for Environmental Policy seeks to improve environmental decision-making in the United States and globally,” said CEP Director Dan Fiorino. “This requires a focus on reliable and high-quality information, effective use of that information to make decisions, and being able to address sources of inequity in making decisions. We also are committed to developing the environmental leaders of the future.”
Dr. Gretchen Goldman is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Union of Concerned Scientists. Throughout her career, she has been an advocate for scientific integrity, climate science, public health, and environmental justice. She served previously as the Assistant Director for Environmental Science, Engineering, Policy, and Justice with the Office of Science and Technology Policy and as Director of Climate Change Research and Technology at the U.S. Department of Transportation. She also served as the Research Director of the Union of Concerned Scientists Center for Science and Democracy. She holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Dr. Adrienne Hollis is the Vice President of Environmental Justice, Public Health, and Community Revitalization at the National Wildlife Federation. She has been working to promote environmental justice and better public health for over two decades. Dr. Hollis also has served as the co-director of the EPA Region III Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center and on EPA’s Board of Scientific Counselors Climate Change Subcommittee. She holds a Ph.D. in Biomedical Studies from Meharry Medical College and a law degree from Rutger’s Law School.
“I am delighted to congratulate Gretchen Goldman and Adrienne Hollis,” said William Reilly. “They both have highly distinguished careers in public service and private non-governmental organizations and are esteemed as leaders eminent in their fields.”
Both will receive their awards at a ceremony on the American University campus on the evening of April 22.
“SPA is proud to recognize the 2025 Reilly Award winners,” SPA Interim Dean Alison Jacknowitz said. “Their leadership in public service, and their participation in policy development and implementation, embody the ideals we strive to instill in our graduates.”