Best Nest Contest

Best Nest Banner F24

Every year students show off their creative and unique room designs in the Best Nest Contest. You can view past winners on this page, get ideas for your room, and plan for the next contest!

Contest Timeline 

  • Oct. 1 – Oct. 8: Submission Period Submissions for the contest will be open, to ensure your submission is valid, please follow the instructions outlined below.

  • Oct. 11: Submissions Posted All valid submissions will be posted on our official social media pages, keep an eye out to see your submission and those of your fellow contestants. 

    Oct. 11 – Oct. 18: Voting Period Voting will be open on our social media platforms Encourage your friends, family, and peers to participate and cast their votes.

  • Oct. 23: Winners Announced Housing & Residence Life will reach out to the winners directly, and we’ll also provide an update to all runner-up contestants. 

  1. First, have fun decorating your room! This contest is all about creativity - not how much you own!
  2. Submit your three (3) best bedroom photos max and fill out the required Google form to complete submission. Make sure no people are in your photos - let your space shine! 
    1. This contest will only judge residential rooms. For example, if you live in Nebraksa Hall, you can only submit your actual room to the contest - not the communal spaces.
    2. When submitting pictures, please be sure your room adheres to all Houisng and Residence Life residence hall student code of conduct.
  3. Make sure to like and/or follow Housing & Residence Life on Facebook and Instagram so you can participate.
  4. Watch for your room to be posted on Instagram and Facebook and share it with all of your AU friends and family. Encourage them to follow us and like your album to help you in pursuit of the ultimate grand prize. 
  5. All categories except for THE Best Nest are judged based on the number of likes on social media. THE Best Nest is judged based on the HRL pro staff internal vote. 

    1. The Housing and Residence Life Marketing and Communications Coordinator holds the right to have final say on all winners selected.

  6. Finalists will be contacted by Housing & Residence Life to coordinate prize pickup and schedule a photoshoot of their room for announcement and publication. 

  • All entries must be submitted by the deadline listed above.
  • Only one entry per room (roommates who share a room cannot separately apply). All roommates must agree to enter the contest.
    • Only bedroom photos are eligible for submission. Students in Cassell, Nebraska, and the Frequency Apartments should not submit photos capturing their living room and/or kitchen spaces. 
  • Rooms must comply with health and safety expectations as written in the Student Conduct Code and Housing License Agreement, including having no prohibited items.
  • By entering the contest, participants agree to the use of their photographs and names by American University in electronic and print publications, social media, promotional videos, and other multimedia.
  • Finalists will be contacted by Housing & Residence Life regarding a brief photoshoot of their room and the occupants for announcement and publication.
  • Photographs and entries must be 100% original content. Photographs that are stolen or copied material will be disqualified.
  • Entries can be deleted without question at the discretion of Housing & Residence Life staff, even if the content isn't in direct violation of AU policy. We reserve the right to disqualify any person tampering with the operation of the promotion or otherwise violating these rules.

2023 Best Nest Winners

THE Best Nest

IMG_0899-2 Elise H
Elli Anderson won the Best Nest category based on the HRL Pro-Staff vote.

Fan Fave

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Lorena Martinez won the Fan Fave category based on social media likes from Instagram and Facebook

AU Pride

processed-71E0F3D8-1F51-47EB-AAE3-7CA2B48D05DB-79500C47-731D-4C1A-A6E5-33FFCF120547Elise Harr won the AU Pride Category based on social media likes from Instagram and Facebook.


Spooky Space

IMG_1499Emily Nelson won the AU Pride Category based on social media likes from Instagram and Facebook.