Lambda Law Society

The Constitution of the American University Lambda Law Society


We, the members of the Lambda Law Society (“Lambda”) of the Washington College of Law (“WCL”), do ordain and establish the following as the by-laws of our student-led organization opened to the larger community, in order to foster and promote a safe, aware, and educated environment for gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, trans-sexual, twin-spirited, inter-sexed, and queer persons and their allies within our academic community and surrounding communities so as to increase awareness of diversity and acceptance for all people. We seek to build, through intersectionality and individuality, an organization where everyone can identify openly, love freely, and live proudly. Lambda Law Society unites all identities to create a place where the LGBTQIAP+ community can grow and empower one another, network and develop professionally, and advocate for equity and human rights.



[1] Executive Board. The administrative body of Lambda shall be an Executive Board. The Executive Board shall consist of an External President, Internal President, Director of Logistics, Director of Advocacy, Director of Professional Affairs, Director of Social Affairs, and Financial Director. The Executive Board shall represent the LGBTQIA+ community at WCL and be responsible for administration of Lambda. The Executive Board shall carry into effect the dictates of this constitution and all resolutions enacted by the executive board. The Executive Board shall have signatory authority over Lambda accounts relative to their leadership role and SBA funds will be only reimbursed to them, not released. Each officer will be available to respond to general as well as the specific needs and questions posed by the SBA and others. The Executive Board will attend SBA meetings when necessary. At its first meeting of each semester, the Executive Board shall designate the Financial Director to serve as Acting Director, who shall serve in the absence of the External or Internal President.

[2] Signatory Authority. The External and Internal Co-Presidents, Director of Logistics, Director of Advocacy, Director of Professional Affairs, and Director of Social Affairs will have signatory authority individually up to an amount of $150 over social function budgetary requirements in the absence of the Financial Director, subject to the discretion of the members at large.

[3] Quorum and Voting. At least a majority of the Board shall be present at every Board and general meeting. The Board shall adopt all matters, including but not limited to business, motions, events and the budget, by a majority vote of the Board, with the External President voting only in the case of a tie. While not having a vote, except in the case of a tie, the External President shall retain the right to propose motions to the Board. In general, the Board should seek to adopt all matters through consensus and not a formal vote.

[4] Parliamentary Authority. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern Lambda and the Executive Board in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this constitution and any special rules of order the Board may adopt.

[5] External President. The duties of the External President shall include, but not be limited to: all duties relating to the alumni, administration, and all other national Lambda duties including contacting and maintaining relationships with alumni, and contacting and maintaining relationships with the national Lambda chapters. The External President, or designate, shall have the authority to represent Lambda at functions, organize an annual community service project and collaborate with other members of student organizations. The External President shall have signatory authority over Lambda accounts with the consent of the Financial Director.acting as the chief executive officer of Lambda; serving as the official representative of Lambda; managing Lambda activities such as panels, happy hours, and networking events.

[6] Internal President. The duties of the Internal President shall include, but not be limited to: all duties relating to the running and maintaining of the WCL Lambda chapter. Duties shall consist of, but are not restricted to, running all official Lambda meetings, setting and maintaining the agenda for said meetings, attending all Dean’s Council meetings as an observer, providing support for all members of Lambda as needed, and assisting the Directors in any capacity necessary, taking notes at each meeting and archiving all minutes and other Lambda documents, making those documents available to any member when necessary, presiding over all official functions of the Lambda including Board and general meetings, designating Board members as the lead contact person and coordinator for projects adopted by the Board, acting as the chief executive officer of Lambda, serving as the official representative of Lambda, managing Lambda activities such as panels, happy hours, and networking events.

[7] Director of Logistics. The duties of the Director of Logistics shall include, but not be limited to: The Director of Logistics shall be responsible for maintaining the official Lambda email, sending out all correspondence, creating and updating the newsletter, as well as maintaining contact with all members as needed. The Director of Logistics shall have the power to create a Committee consisting of volunteers to perform short-term projects as determined by the Lambda eboard. In maintaining Lambda’s mailing list and records of Lambda membership, the Director of Logistics will protect the confidentiality of all members; responding to or directing any inquiries to the appropriate Board member; advertising all meetings and events; distributing this constitution to all members and maintaining copies for further distribution; and overseeing Lambda’s submissions to the Docket and other publications.

[8] Director of Advocacy. The duties of the Director of Advocacy shall include, but not be limited to: advocacy action with the LGBTQIA+ community at WCL and the broader LGBTQIA+ community, amplify and promote the advocacy of other affinity groups on campus, track and inform members of any relevant protests or initiatives, continue with the DEICE WCL initiative until completion, communicate with the previous Director of Advocacy to ensure the continuation or completion of projects, and attend all Dean’s Council meetings as an observer. The Director of Advocacy shall have the power to create a Committee consisting of volunteers to perform short-term projects as determined by the Lambda eboard.

[9] Director of Professional Affairs. The duties of the Director of Professional Affairs shall include, but not be limited to: organizing and developing programs to promote the organization within the WCL community and beyond; managing the Lambda listserv and Web resources; organizing and developing Lambda educational, and political events; assisting the External Co-President in maintaining alumni relations, shall host and plan all networking and panels, as well as continue the mentorship program; The Director of Professional Affairs shall have the power to create a Committee consisting of volunteers to perform short-term projects as determined by the Lambda eboard.

[10] Director of Social Affairs. The duties of the Director of Social Affairs shall include, but not be limited to: organizing and developing programs to promote the organization within the WCL community and beyond; managing the Lambda listserv and Web resources; organizing and developing Lambda educational, and social events and planning general body meetings; responsible for recruitment of Lambda members throughout the school year, plan social events (a minimum of once a month or as voted on by the Lambda eboard), and keep members updated on events throughout Pride Month (June); The Director of Social Affairs shall have the power to create a Committee consisting of volunteers to perform short-term projects as determined by the Lambda eboard.

[11] Financial Director. The duties of the Financial Director shall include but not be limited to: The duties of the Financial Director shall include, but not be limited to: serving as Lambda’s chief financial officer and being responsible for managing the budget requests, fundraising and maintaining Lambda’s financial records; represent Lambda at SBA budgetary meetings unless another member of the Board assumes the duty. The Financial Director shall manage the consensual process of budget drafting for the Lambda each semester. The Financial Director shall also have signatory authority of Lambda accounts, subject to the consent of the Executive Director and will report the status of such accounts to Lambda student members when appropriate and necessary.


Nondiscriminatory Membership

Lambda is an inclusive organization striving to promote equity among all members condemning any and all discrimination, while supporting non-discrimination on the basis of actual and/or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, age; ancestry, color, or race; cultural or ethnic background; economic status or social status; ideological, philosophical, or political belief or affiliation; marital or parental status; national or regional origin; mental or physical ability; academic performance, personal appearance; religion, or religious, denominational, or spiritual affiliation. As well as any other forms or expressions of discrimination that may not be listed. Lambda shall not, either implicitly or explicitly, encourage or condone discrimination on any such basis and action will be taken to remedy acts of discrimination by fellow members. The action taken to remedy the situation will involve the formation of a committee consisting of two executive board members and two non-executive board members, which will investigate and review the actions taken by the member or members engaged in such behavior. The committee will then present their findings to the organization’s student members in a special meeting that is scheduled within 48 hours of the committee’s formation. The student members will then vote on whether or not the member or members acted in gross misconduct of the enumerated by-laws. A 2/3 majority vote will result in the permeate ban of the member or members from all meetings, events, and/ or any affiliation with the Lambda organization, as well as the public condemnation of said member or members.



Each member is entitled to one vote to elect officers of the executive board and implement projects, as provided in Article V of this constitution.



[1] The general membership of Lambda may meet each semester to discuss issues, events, activities, and concerns of the membership.

[2] The Executive Board will meet upon the determination of the Co-Presidents or majority of the executive board that such a meeting is appropriate.  

[3] Any member may propose resolutions and participate fully in debate and voting during general meetings.

[4] The Co-Presidents or presiding member shall democratically lead meetings.

[5] Abuse of power by any executive board member may render impeachment if 2/3 of the student members collectively decide that a Lambda officer acted in gross misconduct of the enumerated by-laws, in a special general meeting called by the majority of the board.



[1] Members of the respective executive board will be elected annually at the start of the spring semester, sometime after the fifth of January and before the first of February, upon majority vote by the general membership present at such meeting. The meeting must be called by the Co-Presidents or a majority of the executive board. A good faith attempt must be made by one or more members of the executive board to give notice of the meeting to the general membership. This notice requirement may be satisfied by posting an announcement via email to the WCL Lambda Law listserv.

[2] All executive board members will meet and share resources with incoming executive board members.

[3] All newly elected officers shall begin their terms of duty effective immediately upon election.

[4] If, during the course of any semester, an executive board member position becomes vacant, another member shall be elected by the student members collectively, until which time the board may appoint an a person acting in the interim.



[1] Amendments must be confirmed by a 2/3-majority vote of the general membership of Lambda student members following an open discussion.

Updated 3/31/2021
Approved 4/1/2021