Contact Us

Battelle-Tompkins, Room 200 on a map

CAS Dean's Office 4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20016-8012 United States

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In order to get involved at DaBL, you must first become a member. Anyone with an active AU ID is eligible, which includes all students, staff, and faculty.

Members of the space are allowed to work there during Open Lab Hours and have immediate access to many of the hand tools. The larger, computer-controlled machines require specialized training before using. All tools are to remain in DaBL.

How do I become a member?

Becoming a member is easy. There are only two steps:

  • Attend an in-person Welcome to the Lab session, where you will go over the Safety in DaBL.
  • Complete and submit a Safety Waiver. Everyone (faculty, staff, and students alike) staying in DaBL for more than a tour must sign a Safety Waiver; you will be given one during the Welcome to the Lab session.

How do I sign up for a Welcome to the Lab Session?

The Welcome to the Lab Session is offered during all of our Open Hours. Simply stop by and ask.