You are here: American University Middle States Learning Subcommittee

Subcommittee on Creating an Enriching Learning and Scholarship Environment for Students

Standards and Requirements of Affiliation Covered

Standards: III, V
Requirements of Affiliation: 8, 9, 15


Núria Villanova, associate dean of undergraduate studies, CAS
Paula Weissman, senior. professorial lecturer, SOC; member, Faculty Senate Committee on Learning Assessment**


Karen Baehler, associate dean of faculty and scholar in residence, SPA
Jessica Bancroft, associate director of professional studies, Office of Graduate and Professional Studies
Christina Bush, assistant librarian, University Library
Corbin Campbell, associate dean of academic affairs and associate professor, SOE
Kimberly Cowell-Meyers, associate professor, SPA; member, Faculty Senate Committee on Learning Assessment
Brad Knight, senior director, AU Core and University College, Office of Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies **
Ben Leff, professor, WCL
Mike Piller, senior director, academic technology, University Library
Mike Schroeder, associate dean for graduate education, SIS
Shari Watkins, senior research fellow, Center for Teaching, Research and Learning
Graduate Student (TBD)
Undergraduate Student (TBD)

**Denotes designated data/evidence lead. This individual will also be a member of the supporting documentation working group to ensure a comprehensive use of available evidence.

Lines of Inquiry

  1. How well does AU develop, manage, and enact undergraduate curricula that reflect foundational concepts, modes of inquiry, diverse perspectives, latest developments in the field, and pedagogical best practices to position students for success? How well does AU Core (general education) program advance AU’s mission?
  2. How well does AU develop, manage, and enact graduate, including professional curriculum─regardless of modality─that reflect theoretical approaches, empirical or historical foundations, diverse perspectives, latest developments in the field, and pedagogical best practices to position students for success?
  3. To what extent does AU recruit, retain, and develop a diverse body of faculty who are experts in their academic disciplines and professional fields to design and deliver effective learning experiences for many different types of learners and programs across the institution? How well are faculty supported as they address the changing nature of higher education and the changing needs of students?
  4. How does AU approach and support a holistic and integrative learning experience to help students thrive? (Also asked by the Subcommittee on Student Thriving: Improving the Student Experience)
  5. To what extent is teaching and learning at AU responsive to the needs and aspirations of an increasingly diverse student body?
  6. To what extent are appropriate learning outcomes articulated for AU programs, including AU Core? How well does AU evaluate student learning to ensure curricular fidelity and identify opportunities to adjust teaching and learning strategies to increase student success inside and outside the classroom? To what extent does AU have a culture of assessment and continuous improvement?
  7. How well did AU’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic meet student learning needs, and what lessons were learned that can inform the way the institution is thinking about new approaches to teaching and learning going forward? How are we responding to the different needs of students in how they think about learning (i.e., students requesting multiple modalities)?

What does lifelong learning mean at AU, and what opportunities does AU provide to support lifelong learning? How well does AU develop, manage, and enact non-degree academic programming for lifelong learners?