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IAPA in Action

IAPA students are active, engaged world citizens who want to make a positive difference. You’ll have various hands-on opportunities to make meaningful impacts in your chosen area of study even before you graduate. Our renowned practitioners serve as role models by engaging in important policy work, and our practica and study abroad options allow students to gain real-world experiences in locations around the world.

Get Involved

A look at some of the ways you can get involved during your time on campus.

Graduate Student Council

The SIS Graduate Student Council (GSC) is committed to providing professional development, advocating for graduate students, and building a school-wide community. GSC provides opportunities to graduate students to plan and participate in social and professional development events, serve on school committees, advocate for themselves and their peers, and generally have their voices heard in the SIS administration. With a team of senators representing the various programs at the School of International Service and a dedicated Executive Council, the GSC strives to be a leader both inside and outside American University. Contact the GSC at

Analysis, Leadership & Policy Association

The Analysis, Leadership & Policy Association (ALPA) is the student organization run by and for SIS students in the IAPA program. ALPA hosts social events and professional/academic development opportunities. It also serves as the bridge between current IAPA students and the program's alumni.