Learn more about AU's Student Organizations! Student Organizations

Student Clubs

Student clubs are recognized through the Center for Student Involvement and supported and funded through the undergraduate Club Council. Clubs at American University are student-led groups that provide programming for the  benefit of currently enrolled students.  Formally recognized organizations are  eligible to receive student activity fee  funds allocated through the Club Council.

AU Club Council or AUCC mission is made up of a lead team, club consultants, and an outreach coordinator. Learn more about American University Club Council

Meet the AUCC Team 2023-2024

Chair: JJ Dimino

Finance Director: Teagan O'Sullivan 

Marketing & Outreach: Ava Serure 

Club Consultants: Alexa Berman, Stella Koch, & Steven Mendell

Annual Renewal Info for CSI 24

Annual Renewal 2024 

What is Annual Renewal?  

Annual renewal is the process CSI uses for recognized student organizations to continue recognition for the new year. This year we have opened the registration early to allow clubs to take the opportunity to be active for the next following year prior to the end of the semester. If you do not renew, your organization will have to wait to register for Annual Renewal in Spring 2025.  

 Annual Renewal is in 3 phases: Preparation, Registration, and Launch.   

What is a frozen club?  

Clubs are frozen when they do not complete annual renewals. Frozen clubs cannot host events, receive funding, or complete any financial transactions. If you are a frozen club, you can complete next year’s annual renewal to regain active status. If your club is frozen for 2 years, you will have to become recognized again via the new club registration process.  

 When is Annual Renewal?  

  • Phase 1 of the annual renewal, Preparation, will start April 10th and continue into the Fall Semester.  
  •  Phase 2, Registration, will be from May 1st-July 1st.   
  • Phase 3, Launch, will be August 19th-29th.   

Do I have to complete all 3 phases to complete renewal?  

Phases 1 and 2 are mandatory for all clubs and organizations. Phase 3 is engaging with interested students, recruiting new members, and preparing for the year.  

Phase 1: Preparation - Opens April 10, 2024

To complete Preparation, students must begin the Preparation Trainings available:       

  • Transitions of Leadership - April 10th at 2 p.m., Kerwin Hall T02 or April 11th at 1 p.m., Kerwin Hall T01
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility - April 19th and 23rd at 10 a.m., Butler Pavilion 600
  • CSI Orientation and Governance trainings will be held Fall 2024

Phase 2: Registration - Opens May 1, 2024

Only the person who will be considered the Fall 2024 primary contact should submit. This person can be your president or another officer.  

To Get Started: Click on your club or organization then click the "Manage Organization" button on the top right-hand corner of the page. Then you will be brought to the Action Center page, click on the blue button that says "Re-Register". Follow all steps.  

The form must be completed for annual renewal recognition with the Center for Student Involvement by the beginning of the fall semester with the following information: 

  • Club constitution
  • Club logo/image
  • Club email
  • Student Primary Contact

Additionally, students must manage their club roster:

  • Remove any graduated students and/or non-members from your roster.
  • Add your executive board members.
  • These are the required positions: President, Treasurer, & EMS Requestor
  • Add and/or confirm Club Faculty/Staff Advisor
  • All student clubs must have a minimum of 8 student members in your roster (excluding the Club Faculty/Staff Advisor)

Phase 3: Launch

Students will have the opportunity to launch their organizations at the Student Involvement Fair in Fall 2024. In order to be eligible to launch your organization, students must complete phases 1 and 2 before August 19th

More details about Phase 3 will be available at a later date.  

Where can I find more information about Annual Renewal? 

Learn more on the CSI Club Page (under Annual Renewal). All the steps are the same for Student Government, Programming Boards, Fraternity & Sorority Life, and undergraduate and graduate student clubs.  

 If you have further questions, email studentinvolvement@american.edu or aufsl@american.edu (Lettered Greek Organizations only).   

new club registrationNew Club Applications are closed for the Spring 2024 semester. Check back in the Fall If you or someone you know is interested in starting a new club at American University!

This process is for undergraduate and graduate students looking to start an organization and gain recognized status with the Center for Student Involvement. 

Requirements for starting a club include:

  • Being a current full-time student at American University- this semester AND next semester
  • Attending one (1) of the following information session offered by CSI: 
  • A club mission that explains what this organization contributes to the campus community- be sure to be mission-drivennot event-driven!
  • An approved club constitution
    • Please use the Sample Constitution that is provided by CSI as a starting point for your club's constitution.
    • If the club is approved, the club's president is required to participate in a club constitution review session with their CSI Advisor. By submitting the constitution for review, the President is acknowledging that edits may be required and that they are willing to collaborate with CSI to ensure the club's constitution is up to standard.
  • A full-time AU faculty/staff advisor
  • A roster of at least 8 members (excluding advisor), including a President, Treasurer, and EMS Representative
  • Accessible to all AU students

CSI and the respective Governance Board will use the following criteria in making their decision:

  • What are the risks associated with your activities?
  • Does a similar club to the proposed idea already exist?
  • Is the proposed club AU student-focused?
  • Has the proposed organization met the minimum requirements for recognition?

For questions, contact Maya Vela at mvela@american.edu.


Maya Vela an Assistant Director of the Center for Student Involvement. As part of her role, she advises AU's student organizations. 

Office: MGC 324
Email: mvela@american.edu